Geoquest in France – Expertise and experience in reinforced fill applications and soil-structure interaction.


GeoStrap® reinforcements, now certified by RTS for an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

2022-07-26T08:19:13+00:00July 26th, 2022|Company, Group News, News, TA|

In October 2021, the Building Information Foundation RTS approved the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of our GeoStrap® reinforcement, manufactured by our subsidiary Geoquest India. This document gathers information on the environmental impact of a product according to international standards. The certification covers the whole life cycle analysis for the [...]

MAGAZINE – Our latest edition is now available!

2020-01-10T08:30:00+00:00November 30th, 2018|Company|

Do not wait any longer and have a look at the magazine n°231 to keep up with our latest news and projects! You will discover how Geoquest is contributing to put back in service the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Toy after a massive landslide by building a 100 meter [...]

Geoquest’s highlights in 2016

2020-01-14T11:30:43+00:00January 6th, 2017|Company|

An overview of Geoquest's projects in 2016, among which: - Demir Kapija Bridge, Macedonia - Heads of the Valleys, United Kingdom - Herb Parkway, Canada - La Concordia Bridge, Mexico - SEA high-speed rail line, France - Muak Leak Reservoir, Thailand - The Northwest [...]

MEXICO – A new website dedicated to Geoquest

2020-01-10T19:01:55+00:00June 8th, 2016|Company|

The Geoquest de México website has been launched. Visit to discover all the information, techniques and projects of our Mexican teams. Follow Geoquest de México on social networks! Twitter: @tierraarmadamex Linkedin: Geoquest de México Youtube: Canal TierraArmadaMex

BRAZIL – Geoquest Ltda. celebrated its 40th anniversary !

2020-01-10T19:02:08+00:00August 13th, 2015|Company|

Founded in Rio de Janeiro in August 1975, Geoquest has a portfolio of nearly 800 completed works, with a total facing area of more than one million sqm. Among our most significant works, we highlight the TerraClass dump wall of the "Cauê Project", in the State of Minas Gerais. This 27 [...]

RECO won The Concrete Institute of Australia Branch’s award

2020-01-10T19:02:31+00:00November 19th, 2014|Company|

The Concrete Institute of Australia Branch held their Annual Dinner last Friday 31st October 2014 in Perth. RECO is very proud to announce that we won an award on the night. The award was for the design and construction of a Reinforced Earth® TechSpan® arch at Mining Area [...]

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