Geoquest in France – Expertise and experience in reinforced fill applications and soil-structure interaction.


GeoStrap® reinforcements, now certified by RTS for an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

2022-07-26T08:19:13+00:00July 26th, 2022|Company, Group News, News, TA|

In October 2021, the Building Information Foundation RTS approved the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of our GeoStrap® reinforcement, manufactured by our subsidiary Geoquest India. This document gathers information on the environmental impact of a product according to international standards. The certification covers the whole life cycle analysis for the [...]

Reinforced Earth® Headwalls for Wildlife Crossing

2023-06-19T13:25:15+00:00March 2nd, 2020|News, Project, TA|

A new wildlife crossing bridge and six-lane roadway opened last week in Edmonton, Canada. Connecting the city’s ring road, the Anthony Henday Drive, with the northeast energy and industrial area, the Aurum Energy Park-Aurum Road Wildlife/Creek Crossing will reduce the daily commute for about 10,000 workers by about [...]

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