Geoquest Peru Provides Cost- and Time-Saving TechWall® Retaining Wall Solution for Busy Motorway into Arequipa

In 2016, the Vargas State authorities launched a major project to construct a 17-km seafront in northern Venezuela, between the cities of Punta de Mulatos and Macuto. Freyssinet – Geoquest de Venezuela was chosen to construct the walls of the works, using the Reinforced Earth® retaining wall solution keeping with the project budgets, despite the difficult economic and social situations prevailing in the country. In total, 14 walls were constructed, extending along a total length of 900 meters, with an average height of 4.48 meters and an area of 4,500 m2. HA 50 x 4 mm galvanised flat bars are being used to reinforce the solid façade and the facing is TerraClass® yellow stone-effect finish, with allegorical marine figures in bas-relief. For the construction of the walls, the Freyssinet – Geoquest de Venezuela teams have been able to combine their experience and knowledge with the guidelines and recommendations of the geotechnical engineer in charge of the Project, creating an iconic work that will promote the economic development of the State. Already known as the Cinta Costera, the purpose of the esplanade is to create a seafront lined with restaurants and infrastructures that promotes sporting, recreational, and cultural activities. It will also stimulate local tourism and bring visitors, attracting outside investment to Caracas because of its proximity to the capital.

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