Planning and building venues for spectator sports, leisure activities and amusement settings requires a special level of detail.

Designers and builders are challenged to meet especially high levels of design for functionality, durability, appearance, and especially safety. Our local business units offer a wide range of solutions with global references for designing and furnishing materials to build extraordinarily customized structures.

We have decades of experience working with creative and distinctive clients, and dealing with their particular environments. Some examples of our work include:

  • Stadium ring walls
  • Seating bleachers
  • Racetrack overpasses
  • Elevated ramps and activity platforms
  • Buried tunnels
  • Marinas and boat launch facilities
  • Man-made lakes and ponds
  • Creative car parks
  • Special structures such as:
    • Climbing walls
    • Zoological parks
    • Ski ramps

Retaining walls and tunnels

Reinforced Earth® MSE walls and TechSpan® arch tunnels are being designed and built to create inviting and functional surroundings for spectators and activity participants. Our extended selection of precast retaining walls and box structures are all suited for your venue development.


Built to the same specifications that are applied to major highways and industrial developments, our durable retaining walls and buried arch and box structures out-perform other alternative solutions, especially in the event of natural assault and normal wear-and-tear. Our structures are designed and manufactured for whatever service life is required.

Limitless architectural treatment

Our manufacturing and molding specialists will develop ways to blend the appearance of the finished structures with your activity theme or the environment you want to portray. Whether seeking simulated or realistic renditions or appearances, we can arrange your images and patterns within the precast concrete surfaces with:

  • Textured finishes
  • Functional surfaces
  • Cultured concrete
  • Custom murals
  • Integrated graphics
  • Anti-graffiti treatment

Geotechnical solutions

At the onset, we provide you with professional consultation about your venue landscape. Our engineers will analyze existing ground conditions, and we will advise as to any precautionary measures that are necessary to ensure that soil reinforcement and retention, drainage and erosion control all are being addressed in our designs. Terre Amée offers these engineered solutions for protecting and strengthening your infrastructure:


Site adaptability

Site adaptability

Our solutions offer high adaptability allowing for construction on terrains presenting challenging geotechnical and topographical characteristrics.

Endless aesthetic possibilities

Endless aesthetic possibilities

Reinforced Earth® wall facings can be their own work of art. Designed to blend into the environment or to be an attraction of their own, our panels offer endless aesthetic possibilities. In direct collaboration with the artist or architect to incorporate a customized design into the retaining wall.

Lower land use and site impact

Lower land use and site impact

Reinforced Earth® structures require lower land use and site impact during construction, which is a great advantage where construction projects need to accommodate existing infrastructure and the need to accommodate busy urban areas.

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